Garden Art Challenge
We’ve had some really fantastic entries into the garden art challenge over the last couple of weeks, well done to all you creative green-fingered lot!
Suzanne is completely bogged down in putting together hundreds of seeds and pots into vegetable grow kits to go out next week so I’m here to show off some of the wonderful entries we’ve had in our Garden Art Challenge. You can find out more about the grow kits and put your name down for one over here.
Painted stones are a fantastic way to brighten up a garden or yard, and I happen to know there’s a bit of treasure hunt for “wild” painted stones all over Teams and Duston at the moment! Leanna is the artist behind these beauties, she’s done a beautiful job of fading into lots of different colours.
You can make a bird feeder out of just about anything you have lying around the house and guarantee that one bird or another will love it! Sharon sent in this example made from an old milk carton and some twigs, fantastic!
A garden within a garden! Making a fairy garden is another super way to use up all sorts of household items that might end up in the bin otherwise. I’m really impressed by Rae’s inventiveness with this one, especially the miniature climbing frame and slide at the back!
These beautifully painted wood rounds would look great up on a garden wall, or even as coasters round the house! They were painted by Lisa’s whole family including her little boy and girl aged 1 and 2.
It’s not just bird feeders you can make from all sorts, this hanging shopping basket is a super idea that would provide plenty of drainage for young plants. I recommend you go fishing in the Teams to reclaim one rather than walk out of Tescos with it, we’ll not ask Suz where she got it!
That’s a novel way to get more wildlife in your garden, at least it doesn’t all vanish in winter! What a great way to use up old loo rolls and chalk drawing is a super way to brighten up any space, best of all you can do something brand new after it rains. These were made by Emily, Lucy, and mum Susan.
We’ll announce the winners of the Garden Art Challenge at 6pm this Friday with our weekly prize draw so tune into our Facebook page then to see if you’ve won yourself a gardening-related prize!