We Reap What We Sow!
It’s good to remind ourselves of just how far we have come! It’s easy to forget sometimes, the work we put in to our plants and gardens early on in the season in order to end up with a wonderful display or harvest. I’ve been looking back through some photographs of our community allotment over the past few months and wow…it’s changed so much!
Here’s some ‘before and after’ photos:
The volunteer veg patches before…
The sweetcorn patch before…
…and after!
…and after!
I love this time of year…Harvest time! For the past few weeks we have been harvesting from our allotment once a week and donating our produce to the Bensham Court Food Co-op Meals Project.
It’s great to know that our vegetables are being shared throughout the community. I paid a visit to the team preparing the meals last week. The team work so hard and the food looked amazing!
As we approach the end of the main growing season, take a moment to have a look back at where you started! It would be great if you would share some of your own ‘before and after’ photographs with us. If you have not done so already, please join our Big Local Gateshead Facebook group, BLG Growing Together and share your pictures with us there. I’m looking forward to seeing the results of all your efforts!
And finally…a heads up! You have 2 weeks to boost your sunflowers! Our sunflower competition will be launched on 2nd September. The entry categories and details will be announced next time.
Until then, best wishes to you all,