Working with local people to improve the community.
What is Big Local Gateshead?
We are one of 150 Big Locals founded in 2012 all over the UK to help residents make a difference to the area they live in. Big Local Gateshead operates in Teams and the racecourse estate in Bensham, and our governing body is made up of people who live or work in that area. We run a community space on Derwentwater Road, an allotment on Bensham Bank, and activities all across the area.
Volunteer to make a difference!
All of the projects that improve our community are made possible by everyday people giving up their time to do amazing things. Right now we're looking for people who can spare a few hours a week to help out with the shop collections, Teams Tots, Teams Wheelers, and plant swap.
How can you get involved?
We have weekly clubs and groups running on almost every day of the week from the Bungalow and allotment that are open to all, as well as extra events over the year.
We also host 3 network groups that meet monthly to discuss key issues in the area - health & environment, young people, and older people.
Join Our Community
If you would like to be kept up to date consider joining our membership for all the latest news, and automatic entry into our weekly prize draw. There are opportunities for volunteering with all sorts of projects, community focus groups to help tackle specific issues, or you might want to join our partnership to help drive Big Local Gateshead forwards.
Funding Available
We support all sorts of projects, and can offer funding to suit almost anything you want to see happening in the area, big or small!
Feel free to get in touch if you can’t find what you’re looking for
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